Private Coaching



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One hour private coaching session


The Proof is in the Pudding!

Click the videos below to watch Melissa's OR ADRIA's story!


"I have gained a whole lot of self confidence, I have been able to push myself to do things that are for me and bring back the focus on myself rather than focusing so much of my energy on relationships. Alex, your 1:1 coaching program has been everything I could ask for and more. I came to you desperate to heal old wounds and learn how to love myself again. Not only did you teach me tangible tools and techniques that I can use day to day but you helped me dig deep and soothe the inner child that was crying out to be loved. Prior to this coaching program I had done a tonne of counseling but never have I had someone invest so much in me as their client. You brought me self awareness and healing I didn't think was possible. This coaching program is truly life changing and I'm so so glad I found you!"


"I accomplished more with Alex in 2 sessions than I did in 2 months with my previous counselor. I ended my sessions with him and worked with Alex exclusively. And if we are being honest? I accomplished more in 12 weeks with Alex than I did in 5 years of therapy with 3 different therapists. I have tools to regulate my nervous system. My self awareness is authentic (I'm not letting others influence or manipulate me). I know why my own toxic traits were influencing my choices. And IF I get a trigger? I can get thru it. You saved my life and got me to believe in my self again. I will never ever forget all you inspired me to do. You gave me hope. Sending much love!!"


"I came to Alex to know how to navigate the effects of narcissistic abuse and heal from it. I now have a better awareness of my personal identity and self love. I have many tools Alex taught me and can still access after the sessions are over that help me manage and lessen my anxiety and I can regulate my responses better. Alex has a wonderful teaching connection. She understood how I listened, so she adopted her skills so I could understand better. You get what you pay for and Alex’s coaching is worth the weight in gold. I highly recommend her. She set me on my path of healing and self love. Best money I have ever spent to help myself."


"Alex's coaching program opens up doors and opportunities for healing you never knew existed. She will get you moving forward and confronting your issues head on after the first session. Seriously... I saw progress in some of my issues after just one week. I was stuck on autopilot for longer than I realized and didn't know how to move forward. Alex's guidance and compassionate, personalized coaching allowed me to gain new understanding of myself, what I was capable of and the tools I needed to move forward with confidence. I now recognize how truly important it is to practice mindfulness and self reflection in a fast-paced world. I do not regret investing in myself. I was able to nurture past wounds, heal my relationships, make new friends, gain confidence, and progress my marriage – all in a few short months. Thank you Alex!"


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